The Starfish Group

2 year old classroom

Classroom_Starfish play.jpg

Starfish Principles

The Starfish Group is the classroom for the youngest of Creek's children. This is often the first time in a group setting for many of the children attending Creek. We want to make this transition away from home as comforting as possible. We accomplish this by using these principles:

  • Providing a small group size allows for individual attention throughout the day.
  • A routine schedule helps children develop a sense of security.
  • A primary teacher who clearly understands the unique nature of 2 year-olds and  provides activities to encourage their sense of curiosity.
  • Keeping parents informed daily and working in conjunction with parents to develop goals for each child.
  • Encouraging language development of children through the use of stories, songs, and helping children learn to communicate.
  • Supporting children as they become more independent and learn many of the self-help skills like dressing, washing hands, and toilet training.
  • Providing a community where children can begin to develop relationships with other children and adults.
  • Planning activities that offer opportunities to practice their developing skills in all areas of their growth.

Starfish teacher

Ms. Heidi


In the photos

Fine motor skills are developed through pouring activities. Children learn about life skills playing with cooking utensils and play dough. Learning about growth and lifecycles by observing animals in the classroom. Blocks and ramps are fun toys that encourage creativity, problem solving, and introduce basic concepts of physics!